- Haematology

The MDC Haematology Unit performs and interprets various tests on blood cell components. The following tests are performed in this department: diagnosis of anaemia, coagulation disorders and haematological diseases such as leukaemia and blood malignancies such as myelomas etc. These tests use automated analysers and experienced biomedical scientists. Specialised staff also add value to the tests by carrying out microscopic examinations of blood samples. In addition, they are screened for blood-borne parasites such as malaria. The unit also offers haemoglobin electrophoresis and blood grouping.
- Biochemistry

The biochemistry department processes samples using a BS 230 automated analyser which can monitor the concentration of chemical constituents in body fluids such as blood, urine and cerebrospinal fluid. Clinical chemistry can be used to assess the function of various organs, including the kidneys, liver, heart and pancreas. It provides a comp rehensive metabolic profile of the patient at any point in time, including tests of electrolytes, urea, creatinine, blood sugar and liver function, lipid profile etc.
- Microbiology

The microbiology department offers comprehensive tests. Our department is highly rated. Laboratory activities can be divided into the following categories. Microscopy for the detection of bacterial and fungal elements and various disease-related cells. Different staining methods are available for different applications. Culturing of bacteria and fungi on various substrates and subsequent identification of these organisms.
- Serology

Serology refers to the detection of antibodies to specific antigens. For example, Widal, RPR, TPHA, Chlamydia, etc.
- Chemical Pathology

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