New research suggests drinking 2 to 3 cups of ground coffee daily can significantly reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease and increase your lifespan. Getty Images New research published in the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology has found an association between coffee drinking and living longer. The study also found that there was a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease. Specifically, this effect was observed among those who drank around two to three cups of coffee per day. All types of coffee, including ground, instant, and decaf, appeared to provide this health benefit. Studying coffee’s effects on lifespan and heart health According to...

How to Avoid Cholesterol Spikes During the Holidays
Frequently eating unhealthy foods during the holiday season can cause cholesterol levels to spike as much as 20%, greatly increasing your risk of a heart attack or stroke. FG Trade/Getty Images The holiday season might bring much joy to your year, but it can also reap havoc on your heart health. In fact, research shows that bad cholesterol levels spike the most during this time of year, by nearly 20%. “[We] notice around the holidays that there’s a pretty consistent 3, 4, 5-pound weight gain as people start to eat a bit more around Thanksgiving and [drink] more alcohol,” Dr. Norman Lepor,...

Study shows 1 billion young people are at risk for hearing loss. This is how to prevent it.
Sound limits to protect against hearing loss depend on how long and how loud you are listening, experts say. Adobe Stock CNN — Turning down the racket isn’t just for disgruntled parents — a new study has shown it could protect more than 1 billion people at risk for hearing loss. When it comes to phones, music, movies and shows, it’s common for adolescents and young adults to listen too loud and too long, according to the study published Tuesday in the journal BMJ Global Health. “We estimated that 0.67 to 1.35 billion individuals aged 12-34 years worldwide likely engage in unsafe...